Web Form Post API (Contacts)
This application programming interface describes the html markup for a valid form post transmission to the SalesOptima system. You must have a valid account in good standing to use this API.
Related Resources: How do I create a company record? | How do I create a lead record?
Caution: Do not attempt to use this API if you are not familiar with HTML and have not been properly trained by a SalesOptima representative. If you misuse this API, your account may be locked and fees may apply.
Form Attribute | Value |
Action | |
Test Action | |
Method | Post |
Note: The Request ID below refers to the variables within the post that the API expects and will process accordingly.
Important: The following fields are mandatory and should be added to your page as hidden fields.
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
LinkCode | This is the code that identifies which Web Form to post data against. | |
RedirectURL | http://www.yourcompany.com | This is the URL that will be used to redirect the browser once the form has been submitted. |
txtContactSettings | 1 | Mandatory Hidden Field
txtContactOverWrite | 1 | Mandatory Hidden Field
All of the following fields are optional.
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
txtContactID | 1406044 | System Contact ID |
txtFirstName | Joe | First Name |
txtLastName | Sample | Last Name |
txtSalutation | Mr. | Salutation |
txtTitle | Sales Manager | Title |
txtCompanyName | Sample Corp | Company (Company Module Settings Addendum - How do I create a company record?) |
txtAdd1 | 123 Sample Drive | Address 1 |
txtAdd2 | Suite 1500 | Address 2 |
txtAdd3 | Attention: Joe | Address 3 |
txtCity | SamplesVille | City |
txtState | IL | State |
txtZip | 62154 | Zip |
txtCountry | USA | Country |
txtCustom1 | PO Box 5433 | Custom Text Field 1 |
txtCustom2 | Custom Text Field 2 | |
txtCustom3 | Custom Text Field 3 | |
txtCustom4 | Sampleville | Custom Text Field 4 |
txtCustom5 | IL | Custom Text Field 5 |
txtCustom6 | 64125-5433 | Custom Text Field 6 |
txtCustom7 | USA | Custom Text Field 7 |
txtCustom8 | 2 bedroom | Custom Text Field 8 |
txtCustom9 | 2 bathroom | Custom Text Field 9 |
txtCheck1 | TRUE | Custom Checkbox 1 |
txtCheck2 | FALSE | Custom Checkbox 2 |
txtPhone | 1235551212 | Business Phone |
txtCheckDupByPhone | 1 | If txtPhone should be used to find duplicates, include txtCheckDupByPhone with a value of "1". |
txtHomePhone | 1235551213 | Home Phone |
txtMobile | 1235551214 | Mobile |
txtOtherPhone | 1235551215 | Other Phone |
txtFax | 1235551216 | Fax |
txtOtherFax | 1235551217 | Other Fax |
txtEmail | joe@samplecorp.com | Primary Email |
txtEmail2 | joe@hotmail.com | Email 2 |
txtEmail3 | joe@gmail.com | Email 3 |
txtWebSite | www.samplecorp.com | WebSite |
txtCommentsTitle | Additional Information: | Prefix to Comments |
txtComments | I love bunnies. | Comments |
txtCommentsAppend | I also love rabbits. | Apends to Comments field |
The following multiple fields will be compiled into a single Comments field entry. Each title/note combination must have a number associated with it between 1 and 10.
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
txtMultiComments1Title | First Milestone | Question/Comment attached to txtMultiComments1 |
txtMultiComments1 | Delivered by Frank Smith | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
txtMultiComments2Title | Project Requirements | Question/Comment attached to txtMultiComments2 |
txtMultiComments2 | Contract signed. Awaiting payment. | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
txtMultiComments3Title | How did you hear about us? | Question/Comment attached to txtMultiComments3 |
txtMultiComments3 | Internet | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
The following Note fields will be compiled into a single contact history entry. Each title/note combination must have a number associated with it between 1 and 100. Use with caution: The amount of data gathered can grow very quickly for each contact because usually these are textarea fields.
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
txtNoteTypeCode | 1234 | Note Type Dropdown |
txtNote1Title | What is your favorite color? | Question/Comment attached to txtNote1 |
txtNote1 | Red | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
txtNote2Title | What is your favorite animal? | Question/Comment attached to txtNote2 |
txtNote2 | I told you already, bunnies. | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
txtNote3Title | How did you hear about us? | Question/Comment attached to txtNote3 |
txtNote3 | Internet | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
txtNote4Title | What product are you interested in? | Question/Comment attached to txtNote4 |
txtNote4 | Widget 1000 LS | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
txtNote5Title | Are you the one with the cash? | Question/Comment attached to txtNote5 |
txtNote5 | No, I'm research on behalf of my boss. | User Feedback to the Question/Comment above. |
The following Link fields will be appended to into a single contact history entry. Each title/link combination must have a number associated with it between 1 and 10. Use with caution: The amount of data gathered can grow very quickly for each contact.
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
txtLink1Title | What is your favorite CRM? | Question/Comment attached to txtLink1 |
txtLink1 | http://www.salesoptima.com | Fully qualified URL link |
txtLink2Title | Where do you get your news? | Question/Comment attached to txtLink2 |
txtLink2 | http://www.msn.com | Fully qualified URL link |
The following classification fields correspond to the available customizable dropdowns up to 8.
See Step 1 of the CSV Upload Wizards for your account’s code mapping
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
txtClass1 | 5695 | Classification 1 Dropdown |
txtClass2 | 8569 | Classification 2 Dropdown |
The following fields correspond to more fields section of a contact.
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
txtCustomDate1Title | What is your anniversary? | Question/Comment attached to txtLink1 |
txtCustomDate1 | 10/3/1998 | Fully qualified URL link |
txtCustomDate2Title | Annual financial review | Question/Comment attached to txtLink2 |
txtCustomDate2 | 7/5/2005 | Fully qualified URL link |
txtCustomDate3Title | Annual financial review | Custom Date 3 Title |
txtCustomDate3 | 7/5/2005 | Custom Date 3 |
txtCustomText1 | Amy | Custom Text 1 |
txtCustomText2 | 4 kids | Custom Text 2 |
txtCustomText3 | and 1 bunny | Custom Text 3 |
Misc fields
Request ID | Example | Contact Field/Mapping Notes |
txtAddTag | Eagles fan | If tag does not already exist, tag will be created |
txtForceOwner | VR90001 | This is the User Code (found in User Profile) and is used to Set/Change Owner of Contact |
txtReferralURL | Google, Bing, etc. | This is typically the first entry in a web site log for a unique visitor. SalesOptima will parse the URL into the contact record to store things like Referral Source, Keyword and any other present data. |
txtTextMessageOptin | TRUE | Will Opt contact into Text Messaging via Webform post True/False or 1/0 |
txtEmailInfoSubscribe | FALSE | Will subscribe or unsubscribe email into or out of Informational Email Messaging via Webform post True/False or 1/0 |
txtEmailInfoComplianceText | By submitting my information, I consent to receive calls, text messages, and email from the company. | The compliance text that appears on the landing page or web form. |
txtEmailPromoSubscribe | TRUE | Will subscribe or unsubscribe email into or out of Promotional Email Messaging via Webform post True/False or 1/0 |
txtEmailPromoComplianceText | By submitting my information, I consent to receive calls, text messages, and email from the company. | The compliance text that appears on the landing page or web form. |
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